Attorney Flint Seeks Favorable Outcome in Attempted Murder Case


In April of 2018, Sasha met Lambert at a party. They conversed for a while and then started exchanging texts. According to Sasha, Lambert’s texts began to get more aggressive, and she asked to meet with him face-to-face to get him to stop messaging her.

During their meeting, Lambert took Sasha to a secluded cul de sac, where he allegedly sexually assaulted her. The next day, she told her boyfriend, Shearer, about the incident. He told her to file a report with the cops, but she didn't. Upset with what happened to his girlfriend, he allegedly asked her to have Lambert meet her on Turkey Farm Road.

Lambert claimed that when he showed up at the meeting place, he was attacked by Shearer and Sasha. According to his account, the two allegedly beat him, tied a rope around his neck, shocked him, stole his wallet, and took his cell.

The couple was arrested and charged with:

  • First-degree aggravated attempted murder,
  • Aggravated robbery,
  • Aggravated kidnapping,
  • Aggravated assault, and
  • Tampering with evidence

Attorney Edward D. Flint Hired for the Case

Attorney Edward D. Flint was retained to provide legal representation to Shearer. During the trial, Attorney Flint stated that Shearer was angry about the sexual assault of Sasha and got involved in a physical altercation with Lambert. He said the fight "went too far."

However, the prosecutor argued that this wasn't a case of a fair fight elevating into something more. Shearer ambushed Lambert and tightened a rope around his neck in an attempt to kill him. He said that the physical injuries the alleged victim sustained showed that he had been choked and dragged across the ground.

During testimony, Lambert said that Shearer had wanted to kill him, and he planned everything that happened that night.

The prosecutor also stated that Shearer wasn't responsible for only his own actions on the night of the alleged incident but also those of Sasha. He said that she was acting under Shearer’s planning and direction.

Although Sasha was also charged, she accepted a deal from the prosecutor, where she pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, and tampering with evidence. The attempted murder charge was dropped. As a result of this bargain, Sasha avoided prison time but was sentenced to 3 years in jail.

At trial, Sasha testified against Shearer and said she took the plea deal because she was frightened and didn't want to spend her life behind bars.

Attorney Flint questioned Sasha’s testimony, stating that the prosecutor removed the prison term from her potential penalties to get her to testify against her boyfriend. He also stated that the trial was fraught with inconsistencies, and blood evidence wasn't tested. Additionally, the prosecutor never found the rope Lambert was allegedly choked with.

A jury found Shearer guilty of all charges. Although the outcome may not be ideal, Attorney Flint said that they still have the opportunity to work toward a favorable sentencing outcome.

If you’re facing accusations of committing a violent crime in St. George, I, Attorney Edward D. Flint, am here to provide the aggressive defense you need to fight charges. Request a confidential consultation by calling (435) 740-8460 or filling out an online contact form.
