Case Results

  • Dismissed State vs. Caitlyn Homer
    Defendant charged with felony and misdemeanor drug charges. Motion to dismiss for violation of double jeopardy, state dismissed with prejudice.
  • Plea Agreement State v. Seth Cox
    Defendant charged with firearm possession while on felony probation. Obtained a plea agreement involving no extra jail time, and federal prosecutor agreed to not indict.
  • Dismissed State v. Rodney Belin
    Defendant charged with felony and misdemeanor drug and child endangerment multiple counts. Dismissed at preliminary hearing.
  • Obtained Plea State v. Matthew Cipriano
    Defendant and co-defendant charged with felony possession of 55,000 marijuana seeds and other charges. Obtained plea deal with no jail, no restrictions on using marijuana legally in defendants’ home state, and will reduce to a misdemeanor upon completion of community service.
  • Obtained Plea State v. AH
    Defendant charged with felony child sex abuse, facing 1-15 years in prison. Case resolved with plea agreement and sentence of 30 days jail because of expert psychiatrist report that defendant was receiving a medication he should not have, and it caused him to act inappropriately.
  • Case Resolved State v. GJ
    Defendant charged with felony human trafficking and prostitution. Case resolved with misdemeanor pleas to massage without a state license and no jail.
  • Resolved with Plea State v. WV
    Defendant charged with assaulting city employees over dispute of city burning weeds too close to his home. Resolved with plea held in abeyance.
  • Obtained Plea State v. CB.
    Defendant charged with felony homicide for allegedly texting while driving, causing a collision that killed one person, injured another. Plea deal resulted in a sentence of 120 days jail, no prison, and probation.
  • Not Guilty State v. NR.
    Defendant charged with felony forcible sexual abuse, claimed conduct was consensual. After waiting over four months in jail for his jury trial, defendant was found not guilty on all charges by the jury.
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